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An exception to the rule

A few hundred yards from our home is a road sign telling drivers ‘no U-turns’. If someone does make a U-turn then confusion and congestion are liable to occur.


Politicians are sometimes accused by other politicians, not to mention the media, of making a U-turn on some statement or policy. Making such U-turns are derided and portrayed as weakness and incompetence resulting in loss of face. Of course vacillation, inconsistency, and changing with the prevailing wind is not good amongst those in leadership, but to admit that one has got it wrong and is prepared to acknowledge it by changing direction should not be sneered at.


The Bible frequently uses the word ‘repentance’, which literally means ‘a change of mind’ evidenced by action - in other words a U-turn. This is a theme which Jesus forcibly brings to us time and again. His teaching is that faith in our own human understanding of ourselves and the world should be replaced by faith in God and that which he has for us. We are each born with a nature which gravitates to a life centred upon ‘me and mine’. Jesus’ teaching is uncomfortable because it reveals that human nature, when all the veneer is removed, has a leaning that is away from the one true God and so is towards evil. A U-turn is needed. This U-turn is real when men and women acknowledge their innate resistance towards God - the true God who is shown to us in the person Jesus Christ; they ask for God’s forgiveness and help to live differently; and they simply put their trust in the mercy and goodness of God, not in their own perceived goodness.


This was not a popular message in Jesus’ day, particularly amongst the religious leaders; it is still pretty unpopular today, that seems to be the nature of U-turning! Heaven likes it though. Jesus says, ‘there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over 99 (supposed) righteous persons who do not need to repent. Let’s remember these words of Jesus whenever we see a ‘No U-turn’ sign, and consider at least this one exception to the rule!


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