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A work in progress

I am one of the ‘undecided’ in respect of the forthcoming referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU. Based upon what the Bible tells us about the shortcomings of human nature, I do not believe that a group of more than two dozen nations could ever function as one. When push comes to shove, human nature being what it is, I think each nation will still put its own well-being ahead of the whole.

I know that I am being sceptical. Critics level similar scepticism even contempt, towards Christianity, pointing to the many denominations which they see as failing to be one united worldwide church. It has been reported that there are more than 2000 Protestant denominations in the USA alone! On balance I would concede the point. I recently spoke with a lady who told me that when she came from the Punjab to this country, she was amazed that there were many ‘Christian religions’ not just one as she had previously thought; a mistaken notion resulting from denominationalism.

So what is really meant by the Christian Church? At the purist level I would say it is an umbrella term for all the individual people who have reached a point of personal trust in Jesus Christ as the one who mends their fractured relationship with God. They have turned away from things that would impair this restored relationship and may well have made a public declaration of their faith by being baptised. As with any group of people who have a common interest and goal, they will gravitate towards people like themselves. In this way, local churches are established. From here they reach out to the wider community wanting to bring in others. This is a natural thing we all do when we discover something important - we want to share it.

While Christians have lost confidence in the ability of their own human nature to live life as God intends, they are now a work in progress as he sets about working within them. One thing God does is to place them in local churches so that they might learn, as the song says, ‘to know him more clearly, love him more dearly and follow him more nearly’. Does this stir your heart? If so, are you in a local church and, if not, I urge you to find one that feeds your soul. However, remember that the people you meet there are a mixed bag. They will be at differing points on their Christian journey and some will not yet have begun it.

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