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The writing's on the wall

The new James Bond film, Spectre, is set to draw in the crowds. What caught my attention is the theme tune for the film, sung by Sam Smith and entitled ‘Writing’s On The Wall’. The expression ‘the writing is on the wall’ originates from the Bible. It is found in the Book of Daniel. The story goes like this…

The all-powerful King of Babylon had thrown a great banquet. He and his guests were luxuriating, revelling in their power and wealth while drinking choice wine from gold and silver goblets. As they congratulated themselves on their good fortune, they worshipped the gods of gold, silver and material things. Suddenly, a human-hand appeared and fingers wrote words onto the plastered wall.

The King was frightened out of his wits. The words had no meaning to those present. Experts were summoned; wise men, philosophers, astrologers etc, in order that they could interpret the meaning of the words. They couldn’t. Enter Daniel – God’s own interpreter. The writing had come from God and Daniel’s explanation had a sobering effect.

The message announced to the King was, ‘Your days are numbered’ and ‘You have been weighed in the scales and found wanting’. He was devastated. What could his dumb idols of gold and silver do to save him? Nothing.

Is God speaking to us through that writing on the wall today, or was it just for the King of Babylon? I believe that the words are for us also. We each know that the number of our days is finite and that we do not know how near our final one is. However, we probably feel more affronted by the second part of the message. Does God really put us in the scales of his justice and declare that we are giving him short measures?

At this point, I look to Jesus to confirm the relevance of Daniel’s message. Jesus does confirm it, not only in words but in loving action. He does not soft pedal about the way the scales have rightly tilted against me but voluntarily gets on the scales in my place. This is another way of looking at what Jesus was doing when he died on a cross, paying the due penalty on behalf of people like me and you who have contravened God’s good law.

Today, God welcomes all people who will come to him by first going to Jesus who has weighed in on their behalf. Maybe you’ll think of this next time you hear Sam Smith’s song, ‘Writing’s on the Wall’.

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