Steve Richards
Apr 5, 2020
Clean hands
I would have been about 9 or 10 years old at the time. We were on a visit to the Clent Hills. My parents were there, my best mate Paul...
Steve Richards
Dec 6, 2019
Is God a killjoy?
There is a devilish lie doing the rounds. Actually, it’s been passed on and been believed for century after century. What is it? We are...
Steve Richards
Sep 6, 2019
The few and the many
As a World War Two historian, the month of September features large for me, one significant date being 15th September 1940, which is...
Steve Richards
Aug 9, 2019
Knocking on heaven's door
‘Lord I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief’. This was the exclamation of a father whose seriously disturbed son needed to be...
Steve Richards
Feb 8, 2019
Faith Matters
Faith Matters is a snappy title for this column. How are we to understand it? It might mean ‘matters appertaining to faith’ or it could...
Steve Richards
Aug 3, 2018
Voice recognition
‘Steve, it’s Kev…’ are the opening words used by my close friend, Kevin, when leaving a message on my answerphone. He doesn’t really need...
Steve Richards
Nov 3, 2017
Knowing and Loving
When I was still in short trousers, there was a song out which I liked. It was performed by the Teddy Bears. The first lines went like...
Steve Richards
Oct 6, 2017
Ploughing and sowing good seed
Schools and churches have been celebrating the long-standing festival of harvest thanksgiving. It is good for people to gather together...
Steve Richards
Mar 3, 2017
Regeneration project
Shirley’s regeneration continues with the imminent demolishing of the PowerGen buildings. In defining the actual word ‘regeneration’, we...
Feb 5, 2016
What is meant by 'believing'?
It is hardly surprising that people struggle with the idea of belief in God when they see the tragedies and upheavals caused by wars,...