Steve Richards
Jan 3, 2020
The heart of humanity's problem is the problem of the human heart.
‘It restores my faith in human nature’ is something one might say following on from an experience of a kindly, loving or compassionate...
Steve Richards
Oct 4, 2019
A true valuation
An artwork masterpiece by Florentine Renaissance artist Cimabue, which depicts the mocking of Jesus Christ, has turned up in an elderly...
Steve Richards
Feb 8, 2019
Faith Matters
Faith Matters is a snappy title for this column. How are we to understand it? It might mean ‘matters appertaining to faith’ or it could...
Steve Richards
Sep 7, 2018
How wise is artificial intelligence?
Has AI, that is, Artificial Intelligence entered your life yet? You may not be using a driverless car but perhaps you use Siri or OK...
Steve Richards
Dec 1, 2017
A Matter of Validation
Leonardo da Vinci’s painting entitled ‘Jesus Saviour of the World’ has sold at auction in New York for £341 million. Sixty years ago the...
Steve Richards
Jun 2, 2017
Word and Spirit
This Sunday is what some mark as Whit Sunday. Whitsuntide is when we are reminded of the birth of the Christian Church, looking back to...
Jan 1, 2016
Wise men from the East
Traditionally, this week will see many churches presenting sermons based around the account of the wise men from the east who travelled...
Sep 4, 2015
Neighbourly love
Some Christians living in Kent are travelling over to Calais in order to minister to the immediate needs of migrants in the camps there....